To find a beautiful chest after breastfeeding

To find a beautiful chest after breastfeeding

( French traduction of :

How to find a beautiful breast after breastfeeding and firm her chest after pregnancy?

Many young mothers find after their weaning that their chest diminishes in size and tends to sag.
Solutions exist so that Mom can find a beautiful chest after breastfeeding ...

Pregnancy and breastfeeding alter your chest.

To find a beautiful chest after breastfeeding
Hormonal change due to pregnancy can increase the breast size of pregnant women.
But after childbirth and especially after weaning the little child, the volume of the chest begins to decrease markedly and the chest falls .
This phenomenon is normal and should not cause too much concern because the mammary glands atrophy and the reserves of fat naturally decrease.
However, the young mother has at her disposal solutions to remedy the problem of the drooping chest after the birth of her child in order to find a beautiful chest after breastfeeding.

Flabby breast after breastfeeding: what to do?

Obviously, having the happiness of having been able to breastfeed her baby and end up with a chest softened, flaccid and who lost all tonicity after breastfeeding gives matter to be horrified !
Morale takes a hell of a blow, especially if it's her first child and you think you have more ...

" But how will my breasts be after three pregnancies? "

" I next, I will not breastfeed, my breasts do not deserve this at my age! "

So it is true that not all women have the same elasticity of the skin and that no one can know in advance how the chest will react after one or more breastfeeding.
But you know the old adage:

" Prevention is better than cure ! "

Before pregnancy, even before you are pregnant, you should think of a treatment to strengthen the skin of your chest in prevention of weight gain or hormonal change because in any case, there is all right!

As much to try to preserve itself at best by adding to its routine of the massages to the oils, applications of ice packs.
These simple little gestures will protect you from falling breasts and the relaxation of the chest .

I did nothing before my pregnancy, is it late To find a beautiful breast after breastfeeding?

Your fear is legitimate and if you have not taken the minimum precautions before getting pregnant to act on the tone of your breasts , it is not too late to remedy.
In any case, you no longer risk anything (because the harm is done in some way) by adopting new habits to solve the problem of the chest that falls after the pregnancy.
Cold, ice and tissue stimulation will allow you to keep the breasts relaxed after breastfeeding.
But you will have to be regular, have a daily application or even twice a day (yes, twice a day!) 

To get results and find the chest you had before breastfeeding.

The cold makes it possible to find a beautiful chest after breastfeeding

Breast treatment after pregnancy and lactation
Breast treatment after pregnancy and lactation*

*Thermoseins = Poche de gel glacé pour raffermir les seins (in French!) 
The application of cold and the circular massage have the effect of tightening the tissues, tone the walls of the blood vessels and strengthen the fibers of the tissues.
It is the shock caused by the low temperature that stimulates the cells and tightens the pores and helps to firm the breast after breastfeeding .
Using Thermoseins allows to tighten the breasts, to "pull up".
Your baby is weaned, and now that you are not breastfeeding, you will be able to apply cold Thermoseins.
In a few weeks the first effects will be immediately visible and the more you use it, the better your results will be.

Tips for finding a beautiful breast after breastfeeding

  • Hydration and massage of the breasts to find a beautiful chest after breastfeeding.
    It is important to daily hydrate your chest and massage it with creams containing trace elements, collagen and elastin. Indeed, the effect of massage helps to firm the breast after a period of breastfeeding . The goal is to allow the body to form new collagen fibers.
  • Avoid salt in your diet.
    It is known that salt by retaining water promotes the relaxation of tissue. Do not overdo it because in any case, too much salting is not good for health in general.
  • Take vitamins!
    On the other hand, vitamins C , oranges, mandarins, kiwis, avocados, red grape, strawberries, watermelon are all fruit that act as regulators of collagen production. They will help you to hydrate your skin thanks to their high content of water and to find a beautiful breast after your breast-feeding .
Also consider taking vitamins A, B5, B6 and B8 very interesting in the process of skin tone.
Other types of vitamin, vitamin E , it has a very important action and protects your skin cells, acting as a real antioxidant .
You find in quantity in dry fruits (hazelnuts, almonds), fatty fish, and some oils (sunflower).



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